UPCOMING EVENTS Taxand Transfer Pricing Conference, 24-25 January 2024, Paris

Please join our Taxand professionals from around the world, as we gather in Paris for Taxand’s Transfer Pricing Conference 2024. Here we will share the latest developments impacting cross-border business operations.

This dynamic event promises to provide practical insights to address ever-changing business opportunities, as well as the chance to directly interact with your transfer pricing peers.

Conference VenueL’Apostrophe, 83 Avenue Marceau, 75008 Paris.

Our welcome reception will take place from 7pm on Wednesday 24 January at Le Fouquet’s, 97/99 avenue des Champs Elysées 75008 Paris. Coffee will be available from 8.30am and the conference begins at 9.15am on Thursday 25 January at L‘Apostrophe, closing with a networking reception from 6pm.

Our varied agenda will feature interactive sessions on a range of transfer pricing topics, including:

  • Special Guest Economist : Anne-Laure Delatte
  • OECD Pillars, Let’s Go!
  • Global Mobility & Transfer Pricing Impact
  • Inhouse Transfer Pricing Practice and Next Generation Leaders in Transfer Pricing
  • Transfer Pricing Adjustments.

We look forward to welcoming client guest speakers to share the stage with our international Taxand experts.

We hope you can join us!


Taxand Real Estate Webinar: Tax Insurance in Real Estate Structures

We are delighted to invite you to join our next Real Estate Webinar on Thursday 6 July at 16:00 CET.

We are delighted to be joined by a panel of expert speakers, who together will discuss case studies of real estate fund structures where tax insurance can be used to add value by delivering certainty on tax positions. As always, we will welcome your questions throughout the event.

Our expert panel will include:

Tom Pygall, Acquinex
Egbert van der Graaff, AIG
Jakub (Kuba) Grabarz, Howden Group M&A
Thomas FrøbertBech-Bruun, Taxand Denmark
Christina Leomy-VoigtATOZ Tax Advisers Luxembourg,Taxand Luxembourg
Evert-Jan (EJ) Spoelder LLMTaxand Netherlands
Kersten MullerAlvarez & Marsal LLP, Taxand UK

Register today via the link  Real Estate Webinar Invitation – Tax Insurance in Real Estate Tax Structures to secure your place! We look forward to seeing you there.

Taxand Global Transfer Pricing Virtual Conference

We are delighted to invite you to our Taxand Global Virtual Transfer Pricing Conference on 24 February 2022.

We will be presenting short panel discussions focusing on relevant ‘Hot Topics’ throughout Europe and Asia, download the agenda here and register for the event.

Morning sessions (times CET)
09:00 – 09:10 – Welcome to the Taxand Global Transfer Pricing Virtual Conference – Stefano Bognandi (Italy)

09:10 – 10:00 – Procurement and distribution activities in Asia – Practical experience from European clients

  • Operations, intragroup flows and transfer pricing compliance
  • Asian specificities affecting the transfer pricing policies
  • The role of regional hubs

Fabien Billiaert (France), Sandrine Woirnesson (Kiabi Group) and Aaron Meneghin (Valentino)

10:00 – 10:15 – Break

10:15 – 11:00 – Strategic planning perspectives

  • Implementation of the DEMPE concept in Asian countries
  • HQ and regional service charges
  • Supply chain reorganisation

Michael Puls (Germany), Sarah Chew (Malaysia), Eve Xiao (China) and Rohit Jain (India)

11:00 – 11:15 – Break

11:15 – 11:55 – An example of concluded MAP case – Permana Adi Saputra (Indonesia) and Alberto Lissi (Switzerland)

11:55 – 12:00 – Closing remarks – Stefano Bognandi (Italy)

Afternoon sessions (times CET)

15:00 – 15:10 – Welcome & Introduction – Another pandemic? New tax reforms are multiplying at a fast rate across the Globe. How can we prepare for the new “variants”? A practical overview on transfer pricing changes across the Americas. – Fabrizio Lolliri (US)

15:10 – 15:30 – A helicopter view of the US, Canada and Mexico – New and upcoming Transfer Pricing rules and changes

15:30 – 15:50 – A pandemic within a pandemic? – Short and long-term impact of COVID-19

15:50 – 16:10 – Plan, defend, fix and repeat – the new “normal”? – A practical case study on complexities and sustainability of tax and TP planning

16:10 – 16:25 – Q&A – Fabrizio Lolliri (US) Steve Suarez (Canada) and Enrique Ramirez Figueroa (Mexico)

16:25 – 16:30 – Closing remarks – Fabrizio Lolliri (US)




Webinar: Transfer Pricing Developments in the Netherlands

Taxand is pleased to invite you to watch our webinar: ‘Transfer Pricing Developments in the Netherlands’ presented by our TP specialists Jimmie van der Zwaan and Thomas Dijksman last Wednesday, December 8, in association with Pride Partners International.

This webinar covers the broader developments in Transfer Pricing in the Dutch tax landscape. The webinar will focus on the New Dutch TP mismatch legislation that is proposed to enter into force per 2022 and related developments, such as:

  • Amended Dutch ruling policy;
  • Conditional WHT on interest and royalty’s; and
  • Increased substances requirements for financials services entities.

Please click here to insert name and e-mail and watch the replay!

Webinar: Transfer Pricing for Funds: Art or Science?

Taxand is pleased to invite you to our thought leadership webinar on “Transfer Pricing for Funds: Art or Science? ” on Wednesday 17 November 2021 4:00-5:15 pm (CET).

On the aftermath of the Covid-19 global pandemic, the world is reshaped by novel challenges and investment opportunities. The Investment Funds Management sector develops commercial strategies reflecting current trends like no other, adapting to regulatory and tax changes as well as market dynamics.

Transfer Pricing Risk Management is consistently identified as a top tax priority by fund managers. In this webinar brought to you by Taxand, we share our latest practical insights on tax and transfer pricing for the investment fund management industry, discussing shifting business models, tax risks to avert and all the essentials that you need to know to secure high standard compliance and navigate complexity.

Please click here to register!


Webinar Grensoverschrijdend Detacheren – 24 november 2020

Op dinsdag 24 november 2020 geven Lexence en Taxand van 10:00 uur tot 11.00 uur een live webinar (via Zoom) over grensoverschrijdend detacheren en de belangrijkste wijzigingen en aandachtspunten.

Het programma van het webinar is als volgt:

“Posted Workers Directive” en de arbeidsrechtelijke gevolgen
• Achtergrond
• Inhoud van de regeling
• Wat betekent het voor u?
• Sancties
• Praktische tips

Fiscaliteit en sociale zekerheid
• Fiscaliteit en sociale zekerheid bij grensoverschrijdend detacheren
• Inhoudingsplicht en verleggingsregeling
• Inlenersaansprakelijkheid

Uiteraard is er tijdens het webinar ruimte voor het stellen van vragen.


U kunt zich hier aanmelden voor het webinar. Deelname is gratis.

Graag tot 24 november!

Webinar Dutch-India Investment Corridor 5 November 2020

Join us for our first Netherlands-India Investment Seminar on 5 November at 13:00 CEST | 16.30 IST.

The webinar will discuss potential structures for India and Netherlands outbound/inbound investments and nuances relating thereto, focused on creating opportunities arising from the Netherlands-India tax treaty.


Taxand Netherlands
Evert-Jan Spoelder & Berend van Holthuijsen

Taxand India
Nishant Shah & Rahul Charkha

Want to register?

For more info and to register, please send an email to maaike.vanderaa@taxand.nl

Webinar – Transfer Pricing in Covid-19 Times – 1 October 2020

Taxand Netherlands is organizing a free webinar on October 1st 2020, about the impact of COVID-19 on intercompany transactions (transfer pricing). The webinar will help you to make the right amendments in your transfer pricing system, transfer pricing documentation and intra group agreements.

The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Business restructurings because of Covid-19;
  • How to treat limited risk companies (distributor, service provider or manufacturer) when reduced profits/losses occur;
  • Do contractual arrangements already cover how to allocate reduced profits/losses?;
  • Would third parties renegotiate their contractual arrangements?
  • How to deal with intercompany financial transactions (such as loans);
  • What is the effect on existing and future APA’s?;
  • Considerations in relation to benchmark studies;
  • How to treat government subsidies;
  • How to deal with increased permanent establishment / permanent representative risk.

Jimmie van der Zwaan, Transfer Pricing partner at Taxand Netherlands will be presenting this webinar.

Want to join?
Subscribe here to be able to view this webinar. You will receive a confirmation per email.

Thursday 1 October 2020

4 PM Amsterdam time (CEST)

You can view this webinar from your computer, tablet or mobile phone.

Watch webinar – Taxing the digital economy: Pillar One

The existing international tax rules may no longer capture where value is created, and many countries are implementing a unilateral digital services tax rather than waiting for international consensus. The Unified Approach on Pillar One is currently the international solution at the table. However, further development is needed and the OECD is ambitiously aiming for the end of 2020. The current COVID-19 situation encourages people to be online more, which further increases the importance of Pillar One.

The following topics will be covered in the webinar:

  • Brief overview of the unilateral digital service taxes
  • Scope of Pillar One
  • New nexus in the user/market jurisdiction
  • New profit allocation rule and the interaction with the arm’s length principle
  • Dispute resolution mechanisms

Please click here to watch the webinar.


If you would like more information, please contact Jimmie van der Zwaan or Thomas Dijksman.

Webinar “Fiscale optimalisatie van vastgoedprojecten” 15 mei 2020 terugkijken?

Op 15 mei 2020 hebben Susan Raaijmakers en Richard Meerstra van Taxand een live webinar verzorgd over de fiscale optimalisatie van vastgoedprojecten. In het webinar wordt ingegaan op de fiscale aandachtspunten van dergelijke projecten en worden op toegankelijke wijze de mogelijkheden voor optimalisatie besproken. Heeft u dit webinar gemist? Hieronder treft u de opname aan, zodat u deze alsnog terug kunt kijken.

Webinar 26 May 2020: Taxing the digital economy: Pillar One

The existing international tax rules may no longer capture where value is created, and many countries are implementing a unilateral digital services tax rather than waiting for international consensus. The Unified Approach on Pillar One is currently the international solution at the table. However, further development is needed and the OECD is ambitiously aiming for the end of 2020. The current COVID-19 situation encourages people to be online more, which further increases the importance of Pillar One.

In 2015 BEPS Action 1 identified that it is difficult to ringfence the digital economy. In 2017 the Inclusive Framework, mandated by the G20 finance ministers, delivered an interim report on the tax challenges arising from digitalisation. This report shows new business models such as the value network (Facebook) and the value shop (Intel) which have a strong reliance on intangible assets, scale without mass and data and user participation. Through several OECD public consultation documents, the Pillar One proposal is now being further developed. This proposal includes both the arm’s length principle and formulary approaches, and increases taxation in market jurisdictions. In our webinar we will get you up to speed on the issues that need to be resolved.

The following topics will be covered:

  • Brief overview of the unilateral digital service taxes
  • Scope of Pillar One
  • New nexus in the user/market jurisdiction
  • New profit allocation rule and the interaction with the arm’s length principle
  • Dispute resolution mechanisms


The webinar will take place on 26 May 2020 5-6 pm (GET) and will be hosted by Jimmie van der Zwaan, Taxand Netherlands and Paolo Ruggiero, Taxand Italy.


To register, please click here.

Webinar: Remaining BEPS issues: Pillar Two on 2 July 2020

A second webinar following the Pillar One webinar (Remaining BEPS issues: Pillar Two) will be organized on 2 July 2020. For more information and to register, please click here.